Sunday, October 20, 2013

More dog problems

As I sort of predicted from the last time but didn't want to fully admit, my dog bit another child. It wasn't a bad bite, just a bit of a scratch on the boy's behind from my dog's teeth, but of course it necessitates a rabies shot. I was enjoying my day, going about my errands of producing some mashed granat (a long process), when some woman and a crying little boy walked up to me. I thought oh great, and went to get first aid supplies. I came back, did the first aid, and then later the mother of the boy came to my door saying something like "this is no sorry business, look, it's swollen, he's going to need 24 rabies injections!" and basically was upset about it. Of course she had pulled my bandage with the antibiotic off. I seriously doubt my dog has rabies, but I completely understand and decided I'd basically do whatever she wanted me to do. I don't feel that my dog is in the right in any way. The whole affair was pretty upsetting. We went to the clinic and I've paid for absolutely everything because I'm sorry that it happened. I'm not mad, I'm just sad about it.

      Now, everyone wants my dog gone, and for good reason, honestly. I fully agree that next time, because there will probably be a next time if the problem is not taken care of, the dog could seriously injure a kid and we'd have more than rabies to worry about. Actually, this was the 'next time' since he bit some kid a little over a month ago. I said the same things, but that time had a bit more sympathy and confidence in my dog's behavior. My dog is one of the worst behaved dogs in town. He's playful, but essentially he's not trained at all. He chases and disturbs children, animals, people riding on motorcycles. I don't really know how to train him. I yell at him whenever he does bad things, but he doesn't really listen to me. I've inherited this dog from his original owner that raised him from a puppy. I get the impression he didn't listen to him that well, either.

     One option is to give him to another pcv in a neighboring town to try to train. She apparently used to train animals. I don't really think this would work out well. Getting him there would be difficult. She has a lot of children around her place. I don't think the dog would listen one bit to her and would just run off. I don't think the dog would be happy in another town. I think he would just be harassed by the other dogs. But, I don't want to kill him. The friend of mine and I will decide tomorrow what to do. Unfortunately, I think for the safety of the children, the best option is to kill the dog. I'm going to hate doing it, but I am not seeing much other option. He's a danger to the community. I don't want to just give my problem to somebody else. I'll let you know what happens. Don't judge me too harshly.

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